Sunday, 10 March 2013

Rising Sap

It is that time again.  On a couple of occasions recently I have left the house without freezing, there is blossom out and the birds are singing.  It can only mean one thing.  Spring is starting at long last.  It also means that some of those exciting plants that I bought in the tail end of last year will have their first full season in my company.  According to my sources oca and yacon need to be grown on in pots, until the chances of frost pass.  I over-wintered them in a tub indoors and this may explain their early sprouting.  So it is time to separate them up into pots and bring them on a bit.  It may be that in future years I will be a bit less precious over them, but for now I will be careful and build up my stock.
Jerusalem artichoke (left), Yacon (right) and Oca (bottom centre)
The Yacon tubers look like Jerusalem artichokes.  In fact they look even more like jerusalem artichokes than the jerusalem artichoke that I found for the photograph.
Oca starting to come through and looking a lot like clover.

The jerusalem artichokes have gone straight into the ground as I feel I can be a bit less precious over them.  I have only ever known one person who did not have a run away success growing them and even if I do kill them I can get some more.
The seed potatoes have gone in.  This year I have gone for a lucky dip selection.  Two years ago I planted a wide selection at my mum's house, which were only partly harvested that year and completely abandoned the following year.  So last year I dug up some in the autumn, but by that time the labels had long since passed on.  Now this mixed collection have formed the seed for this year.  Lets see what comes up!
I have also put in some quite normal seeds including broccoli, comfrey, pumpkin, and chili.  Far more excitingly I have planted some liquorice, and cape gooseberry seeds.  Lets hope I can keep the slugs away this time.

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